Welfare of the employees is different from facilities extended to them. Again monthly package given to the employees, does not include working facilities and other necessities like dress, umbrella etc. Besides all these, D.A., H. R.A., Festival holidays & advance, interest free food advance etc. are given as per State Government Rules or rules of the organization which may differ time to time.
Welfare in real sense should not be necessarily for the employees, it can be for his/her dependents/ family or for the community. The magnitude or volume of welfare activities may differ from organization to organization, its age, total number of employees, working pattern which includes handling / manufacturing of different types of commodities like milk and milk products which is highly perishable or long life/ non perishable articles.
The types of welfare activities or in other words, the areas to be covered under the welfare umbrella depends to a greater extent on the individual heading the organization having vision to identify / project the welfare needs before the Management with clear picture of the organization's benefit.
The family of the dairy cooperatives is vast as it is not only limited to the employees of dairy plant and associated departments but the real foundation and the owner, farmer members/ milk producers.
Few examples of welfare activities in a very small scale being extended by the Rajkot Milk Union for its employees are:
In good number of cases, the organization or even the head of the organization, supports education of the children of the late employees by arranging books / school fees etc.
Welfare activities with employees improve belongingness and motivation which have a long term benefit to the working of the organization.
Rajkot Milk Union support welfare activities by donating funds to the religious trusts/ organizations like Bharat Sevasram Sangh and other institutions involved in such activities.
Rajkot Dairy fully realize that the welfare facilities are to be given in phases observing the benefits to end users and are to be extended with full control on the activities, with no misuse.